Friday, May 16, 2014

The top 5 things I have learned from my baby boy.

I have now been a dad for 17 months.

 It has been the most amazing experience of my life.

 I always knew I wanted to be a dad, but I wasn't sure what to expect from parenthood. What I got was an education. Not only about raising a child, but about myself.

 Here are the top 5 things I have learned as a father to an adorable little boy named Zachariah (aka ZuZu):

 1. Running water is AWESOME.

 I have never seen running water through the eyes of someone that has never seen running water before. The pure joy in ZuZu's eyes as he stares at the bathtub faucet spewing forth a stream of amazing never gets old. I can watch him for hours "soaking" it all in.

 2. Hearing "Dada" said over and over again is the only mantra I need to take the edge off the day.

 No amount of wine, yoga or massage can top the feeling of walking through the door and hearing your little boy yell "Dada". It makes everything ok.

 3. ZuZu makes the best audience.

 Having been a musician all my life, performing for Zuzu in the living room is the most fulfilling musical experience I have ever had. He stares intently, claps his hands and smiles the biggest smiles. When I am done, he cant wait to strum a few strings on the guitar himself.

 4. I am not annoyed by his crying.

 For years, when someone else's kid would start crying, I would get annoyed. It was like nails down a chalk board. That doesn't happen when ZuZu cries. I feel concern, love, and patience. Once I have verified that everything is OK I feel I sense of calm. Yes, extended periods of crying can become tiresome, but I feel like it is a normal natural thing and part of the communication skills my baby boy learning everyday.

 5. I love his mom even more that she helped me create such an amazing being.

 I loved his mom before, but watching the incredible sacrifices she has made, and the brutal beating her body has taken from pregnancy to breastfeeding to insane dietary restrictions, has taken that love to a different level. Watching ZuZu respond to her body, seeing his beautiful dependence on her, watching them curl up together, makes my heart want to explode.

 I am excited for the rest of my life as a dad, a husband, a musician, a business owner and I cant wait to see what ZuZu is going to teach me next.